A channel dedicated to discussing the implications of political news, mostly UK political news. All views are my own, and I receive no inducements to present any political views that are not my own. If you feel that anything contained within any of the videos on this channel is objectively inaccurate, please contact me using the channel email which can be found below) with details and reliable sources of the accurate information for me to update.
Standards of conduct on this channel are intended to be in line with YouTube's Community Guidelines.
Thank you for your support. Phil.
General channel enquiries: contact@philmoorhouse.co.uk
Business enquiries: enquiries@philmoorhouse.co.uk
I do not respond to business enquiries which contain no information other than an invitation for me to email you back about some mystery box which you would like to offer me. Also, I do not view an invitation to sell your products as 'an exciting opportunity'.