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Drew Blackston, CRC®

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TO, THROUGH, & PROTECTING Your Ability to STAY in Retirement

Drew Blackston, CRC®
1 week ago - 8 likes

What are your biggest concerns about healthcare costs in retirement, and how are you planning to address them?

Drew Blackston, CRC®
2 weeks ago - 12 likes

Should the government play a bigger role in securing comfortable retirements for everyone, even if it means higher taxes or changes to Social Security?

Drew Blackston, CRC®
3 weeks ago - 13 likes

When did the term "retirement" likely emerge?

Drew Blackston, CRC®
4 weeks ago - 15 likes

DIY saver vs. seeking help: Are you planning to manage your retirement savings yourself, or are you considering talking to a financial advisor?

Drew Blackston, CRC®
1 month ago - 16 likes

Dreaming of early retirement? The MOST important factor to consider before taking the plunge is your...

Drew Blackston, CRC®
1 month ago - 10 likes

Which would you prefer in retirement: a life of leisure filled with travel and hobbies, or a part-time job that keeps you socially connected and mentally stimulated?

Drew Blackston, CRC®
1 month ago - 14 likes

What surprising item was once used as currency?

Drew Blackston, CRC®
1 month ago - 6 likes

Create a bucket list for your dream retirement! What are 3 things you absolutely MUST do in your golden years?

Drew Blackston, CRC®
2 months ago - 13 likes

Would you rather retire early and live on a tight budget, OR keep working and have all the money in the world (BUT less free time)?

Drew Blackston, CRC®
2 months ago - 25 likes

Thinking about retirement? Let me know what stage you're at!