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Anik Singal

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Anik Singal has been an Entrepreneur for over 20 years - mos

Anik Singal
1 month ago - 28 likes

Tampa, here we come for Board of Experts!

1. For whatever reason the past me booked a 8 am flight, I shun thyself.

2. I donā€™t like Sbucks but coffee is needed

3. I take traveling to see the #BoE Family very seriously as is clear from my face.

Letā€™s go BoE!

Anik Singal
3 months ago - 29 likes

My bonuses are worth $32,000! Is this legal or not? Well, I got a 25 minute video that answers. Want it? Look ā¬‡ļø

Not only that but we teach you the LEGAL way to do bonus stacking and assign values to things.

Watch this. Tag people. Help me spread the good message of compliance!


Be compliant to become a giant.

Anik Singal
4 months ago - 22 likes

ā€œDonā€™t worry about the FTC, they only go after the big guys.ā€

This is something Iā€™ve heard a lot lately. Also, a lot of marketers are making it a ā€œstrategyā€ to stay under the radar, whatever that means.

Also, marketers are creating these intricate plans to ā€œgo offshore.ā€ So today, we debunk these myths in Episode #4 of Donā€™t Say That.

We go over lots of things.

- A case where the FTC settled with a small business over just his WATCH.

- How a guy went to JAIL for wire fraud for having other people sign on his merchant account.

- How to not get your WIFE suedā€¦

- Does size of business matter?

- Does it matter what country youā€™re in?

We cover all these - not with ā€œbro opinionsā€ that are being shared everywhere but with facts and actual case examples.

Have a listen!

Anik Singal
4 months ago - 33 likes

As I stroll on daddy daughter dateā€¦

ā€¦Ava and I want to give a Saturday Salute to all of you here that inspire us and push us to be better everyday.

Love you all.

Anik Singal
1 year ago - 66 likes

This weekā€™s podcast had me questioning a lot of what I do in my life.

Dr Alka Patel gives away the formula for REVERSING Your biological age. I thought it was B.S. until she got into it - total believer now.

She covers a lot ofā€¦

- Biohacking
- Gadgets for health
- Tests to take

And my favorite part of the talk was where we differentiated between stress and overwhelm!


Anik Singal
1 year ago - 172 likes

College Dropout (but brilliant Entrepreneur) found his way into working directly for ELON MUSK!

I mean directly reported to him. He worked at Google, Microsoft, Frigging everywhere.

Heā€™s like the Forest Gump of Entrepreeurs.

āœ… He was a Bank manager when the bank got robbed!

āœ… He worked for Elonā€™s brother.

āœ… Then, he worked for Elon directly.

āœ… He was poached all over Silicon Valley for sales.

āœ… Then, he built a $10M real estate portfolio and quit it all.

Heā€™s now traveling the world with his wife and kid and living THE dream. But this story is insane.

When I began interviewing him, I did NOT know about him working for Elon. When you watch the episode youā€™ll see me come to that realization about 70% of the way through. šŸ¤£

He says it so non-chalantly!

You HAVE to hear this episode, so many amazing golden nuggets.


Anik Singal
1 year ago - 62 likes

Trump Indictment
End of the World in 2030?
US Dollar Crash Coming.
AI In Marketing?

Such an amazing conversation episode this week!

Anik Singal
1 year ago - 42 likes

Absolutely Inspiring Episode with Christina Rowe. This woman is seriously Wonder Woman.

She went through one of the worst things anyone can experience. She was alone and dealing with major loss, lawsuits, divorce and even the death of her father (her greatest support).


Amidst all this, she turned into a multi-million dollar empire today. She fueled that experience into a life where she now empowers and helps 600,000+ women in her FB group.

Yes, she has a FB group with over 600,000 women.

You gotta check this episode out!

AnikShow(dot)com - go now!

Anik Singal
1 year ago - 50 likes

Should Trump Get Indicted or Is This Political BS

Anik Singal
1 year ago - 102 likes

The HARDEST Thing for an Entrepreneur In My Opinion Is Saying NO...

So, I'm in a WEIRD season right now. Good weird. Great weird actually. I have more opportunity pouring my way than I've ever really had in 20 years.

For reasons I can't talk about right now... a bit eccentric.

Either way. I'm very excited and blessed and all that, but I'm also TROUBLED.

This brings me to the hardest (but most important thing) an Entrepreneur needs to do:

Know when to say NO.

I'm having to say NO a lot lately. I'm having to let great opportunities pass me by. I'm having to put my foot down. It's just ... sad but it's also awesome.

So, this is just a reminder to many of you - say NO. Focus. Trust me, you grow faster.