Welcome to a professional DevOps learning channel.
You will able to master end-to-end automation & cloud engineering, which will permit you to be a Subject Master Expert in helping FINTECH companies to automate their tasks & leverage AWS Cloud services.
We will be looking at PROBLEMS & SOLUTIONS faced when using computerized automated technologies & CLI to:
-Develop, build, & test apps,
-Review, qualify & deploy apps,
-Effectively make app accessible to clients,
-Secure, manage, maintain & monitor apps.
The technology stacks that will be covered:
-#Git & GitHub
-#tomcat / JBOSS
-#AWS: EC2, EBS, EFS, ELB, VPC, Route 53, S3
Don't forget to LIKE, SUBSCRIBE, & SHARE my channel with those in needs.
#devopsengineer #cloudengineering #platformengineering #sitereliabilityengineering #tip