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Soundlab Studios

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Soundlab Studios is where 6 friends in the Vinyl Community j

ā€œIā€™ve Turned Into #rickbeatoā€ The Music Theory Behind Something by The Beatles Mario Gets Down With the Sickness #supermario #disturbed #downwiththesickness A Family Man #fleetwoodmac #lindseybuckingham #familyman SYNTHESIZERS!!!! WhErEā€™s tHaT cOnFoUnDeD bRiDgE? #ledzeppelin #thebridge His First Album From England SpongeBob Sings Tom Sawer by Rush Mario Sings Whopper Whopper Bob Dylan Sings Wonderwall #bobdylan #bobdylancover #wonderwall Chicago The Chicago Transit Authority Vinyl #recordcollection #chicago #beginnings Happy 50th Anniversary The Captain and Me by The Doobie Brothers! #recordcollection #50thanniversary Happy 50th Anniversary to The Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd! #50thanniversary #pinkfloyd The Beatles Revolver 1966 Mono Vinyl #recordcollection #thebeatles #revolver Fleetwood Mac Rumors 1977 Vinyl RIP Christine McVie #fleetwoodmac #christinemcvie #recordcollection Elton John Goodbye Yellow Brick Road 1973 Vinyl#recordcollection #eltonjohn #goodbyeyellowbrickroad The Beatles Sgt Pepperā€™s Lonely Hearts Club Band 1967 UK Mono Vinyl #recordcollection #sgtpepper Boston 1976 Vinyl. More Than a Feeling #boston #morethanafeeling #recordcollection The Cars 1978 Vinyl. Just What I Needed #recordcollection #thecars #letthegoodtimesroll Led Zeppelin IV 1971 Vinyl. Stairway to Heaven #recordcollection #ledzeppelin #stairwaytoheaven Meet The Trippie Hippie: He Has an Opinion on Everything! #opinion #boomer #hippie Steely Dan Aja 1977 Vinyl AB-1006 #recordcollection #steelydan #aja The Police Synchronicity 1983 Vinyl #recordcollection #thepolice #everybreathyoutake The Beach Boys Pet Sounds 1966 Mono Vinyl #recordcollection #beachboys #petsounds PRACTICE Steely Dan Peg Solo Working on it Listening to Steely Dan for 500 Days #steelydan #gaucho #transformation CreedenceClearwater Revival Cosmoā€™s Factory 1970 Vinyl #recordcollection #creedenceclearwaterrevival Bob Dylan Highway 61 Revisited 1965 Mono Vinyl #recordcollection #bobdylan #folkrock The Who Whoā€™s Next 1971 Vinyl #thewho #whosnext #recordcollection Billy Joel The Stranger 1977 Vinyl #recordcollection #billyjoel #thestranger ELO Out of the Blue 1977 Vinyl #recordcollection #electriclightorchestra #mrbluesky Pink Floyd The Dark Side of the Moon 50th anniversary 1973 Vinyl #recordcollection #pinkfloyd Beatles Abbey Road 1969 UK Vinyl Bob Dylan Songs Be Likeā€¦.