Soundlab Studios is where 6 friends in the Vinyl Community join forces to review classic albums by legendary artists! These friends are Scott Fleming (Scrapdog Scott's Records), Nick Yarembinsky (Townshend505), Bryer Sisneros (Bryer's Music Showcase), Jason Berger (Jason the Old Millennial), Jacob Martin, and Ryan Cameron. The channel began when Scott, Nick, and Bryer decided to do a ranking of the Who albums. Eventually, Jason joined and the 4 began their journey through album reviews with The Zombies Odessey and Oracle album. When it came time to journey through Led Zeppelin's albums, Jacob Martin joined the crew, and now the five of them are ready to give their opinions on some of music's greatest moments, even if they don't always agree (which makes things interesting; see the Crosby, Stills and Nash video for Bryer's opinion on Helplessly Hoping and the Zeppelin IV review for Nick's take on Stairway to Heaven). Soundlab Studios is a channel you won't want to miss!