Welcome to Greenleaf Workshop. I make armour for museums, collectors, reenactors, living historians and just about anyone who wants to buy and wear it.
In these videos I will be dealing with specific armouring topics, hints & tips as well as anything else armour related that I've found interesting enough to share. I encourage questions and will always do my best to answer them.
I do not think I am the best armourer in the world and I am happy to have suggestions made on better ways to do things, the videos represent what I know and use at the time of recording.
Metal work can be an incredibly rewarding thing to do; shaping metal into something aesthetic and useful is difficult to beat. However, I am certain that it also represents one of the greatest artistic opportunities given to humans to injure, maim or even kill themselves while working through 'the riddle of steel'. Please be careful, wear the appropriate safety equipment and always use quality tools.
Have (safe) fun.