We started our button communication journey January 2022 inspired by @whataboutbunny @billispeaks @bastianandbrews and @catmanjohn.
3 of our cats currently use the buttons: Jake, a 6 year old tabby is currently using more than 60 buttons. Zoey, our 2 year old deaf calico, is just beginning to use the board. Our new Connect buttons light up when pressed so she can see which was pressed. Wash is a 3 year old white american shorthair with a lovely gray tail. He understands the button words but rarely presses. He uses his head and paws to press. He uses 5 buttons consistently. Our 18 month old chipin Rio came to us a year ago. He uses all 74 buttons on our soundboard. He is a real character. Personality plus. Our chiweenie puppy Kaylee is our star. She has been with us for 2 months and alread uses14 words. She also babbles by pushing random buttons as she plays. We are participants in a UCSD research project. Subscribe to follow along. For buttons and info: flnt.pt/MyCatsCanTalk .