Harvard-trained psychologist, therapist, and author here to help us accept ourselves and live juicy lives!
I'll show you how to align with yourself instead of with the pain you carry from your childhood. It's a journey I've been on for years. I'm a recovering control enthusiast, people-pleaser, and perfectionist. These were strategies I learned when I was a kid to make other people like and accept me. Although they worked, they also kept me from accepting myself.
I eventually realized that I and my life were both cardboard versions of what I wanted, and I started making intentional choices to live with more authenticity and self-connection. I've gotten to a place where I (mostly!) accept myself and I can validate myself. I've learned how to choose peace - and a juicy life - instead of pain.
I want this for you! I'm here to help you feel seen and understood and give you useful, actionable tools for self-acceptance and building a juicy life.
I'm glad you're here!