Hi! Thank you for deciding to click! My name is Abriella, and I'm a 15 (almost 16) year old teenage girl from the lovely *cough rainy* state of Washington! I look and act more like 12 sometimes so you have been warned!
Little about me! I AM A SINGER and make ORIGINAL MUSIC! I'm on Spotify and most other streaming platforms! I've wanted to be a professional singer since I was a little girl and any support would mean so much to me! Even just a like or comment helps so much! I'm also a self-taught pianist since the age of 6! I love my friends (ZOEY), food lol, working out and doing sports, music ofc, and lots of other random things!
Youtube has quickly become a very fun hobby of mine and this channel you will find my original music, covers, funny shorts, trends, dances, advice, Christian content, lip sync, etc! Lots of randomness BUT IT'S JUST FOR FUN SO NO HATE PLEASE!