Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.!
Welcome to the Latest Information Media Channel. This channel discusses information about the 13th salary for civil servants, the 13th salary for civil servants, the 13th salary for TNI, the 13th salary for Polri, the 13th salary for retirees, the disbursement of the 13th salary, the disbursement of the 13th salary for civil servants, the disbursement of salaries for 13 civil servants, the disbursement of salaries for 13 retirees, disbursement of salaries to 13 TNI, disbursement of salaries to 13 Polri, Technical Guidelines for Disbursement of Salaries to 13, Official Note on Disbursement 13th salary, PPPK selection, PPPK, P3K, PPPK teacher, P3K teacher, PPPK formation, PPPK teacher formation, ASN formation, PPG, salary increases and other information.
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Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.!