in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Not sure why I’m making this but I thought I’d tell yall that my improvement is going well for the most part. The only thing I’m struggling with rn is procrastination, so I’m going to delete disc and possibly YouTube to combat that. I feel like this is just a good choice cus yk what they say, you are who you surround yourself with, and I’m surrounded by mcpe players (what I don’t want to be) that’s putting it pretty bluntly, cus most of these “mcpe players” are rly good friends but for now ima say goodbye to disc again. Also do yall want me to unprivate my videos or what do you want me to do with this channel?
0 - 5
Never make the same mistake as me. Playing this game competitively is not worth it at all. Only play for fun, because memories are what matter.
7 - 21