This is a resource center for my fellow adepts called to the service of vocal channeling!
Specifically, vocal channeling members of the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the One Infinite Creator!
I offer this space as a hopeful service, to inspire the cultivation of more Love/Light/--Light/Love instruments and many more channeling circles of Law of One concepts, messages, answers and insights, in hand with our higher density based companions, who wish very much to share in a more varied way with the whole of humanity at this time.
The Confederation is comprised of 500 civilizations; And there are many voices under that umbrella that are happy to align with an instrument/channel/vessel of the Infinite Creator's Light/Love! That Love/Light vessel is you!
If you feel this calling, are committed to 'living' the Law of One/Way of Love, then I welcome you and thank you for your service!
In Love,