Hello! Welcome to my channel @Mr. Sophea Kh
#Mr.sopheakh #funnyvideo #funnyentertainmentvides #funnytraditionalgaming #funnyprankvideos
Funny Videos:
Is a video related to an amazing and very exciting life, sleeps, eats,plays funny games every day and a video that has realized about real daily life.
What is a basic definition of funny? Funny describes something that causes fun, especially laughter...Funny describes something that is amusing and causes people to laugh.
Something that amuses people without causing laughter is usually said to be fun rather than funny.
Prank Videos:
Is a trick is intended to be amusing and often to make someone look foolish. And a grotesque act done for fun and amusement.
Entertainment Videos:
Something that entertains, interesting, diverting or amusing thing, especailly a show or performance.
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