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Daisy Stalls

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Hi! I'm Josefine (✿◡‿◡) I'm a model horse artist who makes v

Daisy Stalls
3 weeks ago - 438 likes

Moarr sneakpeeks👀
I just said yes to every detail there is with these repaints so it's taking a wHiLe :'))
The video is being edited, and I will start on voiceovers soon :]
I have so many other ideas for summer videos so I hope I can get to making some of them too!

Daisy Stalls
1 month ago - 247 likes

New shorts video showcasing my latest project coming tomorrow :D

Daisy Stalls
2 months ago - 279 likes

Soo, I got a little sidetracked :'D
Here are some bits of the project I shared on instagram stories! I am planning some different content to be made out of this project, and then I will get back to my mare and foal project (the foal is finished and I am OBSESSED) :>

Daisy Stalls
4 months ago - 587 likes

Some behind the scenes pics!
Working on this adorable mare and foal pair atm, and I also got something else brand new and exciting peaking out in the last pic🤭 It's been a long time coming and keeping it secret has been a challenge hahah :') Shouldn't be too long left until I'll reveal it!
I've been feeling pretty bad health wise for the past month ish, but the last few days have been much better! Hoping it stays that way so i'm able to make some more progress🤞🏻🤪
Remember, I post reguilar updates on my instagram story, so if you want to see more sneak peeks and behind the scenes content then give me a follow :]

Daisy Stalls
6 months ago - 726 likes

Happy newyear everyone!
Thank you for the year that passed :D
Although I have not been able to post very much, I am so grateful for the community we have and for all your feedback, compliments critiques and just for watching my videos in general.
I have several things in store for the new year, and i'm sure new ideas will pop up too, so I hope you'll stick around :]
Cheers for a good 2024🥂

Daisy Stalls
6 months ago - 113 likes

A little Christmas viewing reccomendatuon from me to you :D
I'm still so stoked that I did this project hehe

Daisy Stalls
7 months ago - 418 likes

It may look like i am sitting outside in the snow playing with my toy car, and thats probably what my neighboor thought when they came outside and saw me🫠 BUT! I am infact filming a video and it's turning out really well!
I hope to release it as a christmas special, but we will see what time and health allows :]

Daisy Stalls
7 months ago - 547 likes

Some things which are being worked on behind the scenes!👀
Also, check out the aurora we saw yesterday!! I've seen it super faintly before, but never like this. Super awesome🤩

Daisy Stalls
9 months ago - 430 likes

Sorry for the radio silence lately :') I'm working on a bigger project behind the scenes (the picture is a hint!) and it took a lot more time than anticipated! It's done now though, only have editing the video left so it should come out this month. Thanks for being patient with me :]

Daisy Stalls
9 months ago - 493 likes

Ever wanted one of these dolls? (And maybe some clothes for them too?) Well now is your chance!
Later today I will be selling a bunch of these dolls and handmade clothes for them on Instagram! Head over to my account @Daisy_stalls if you're interested in one :D