This is Our’s simple, it’ where we started, where we are going and where it ends. It’s Jesus. It’s the man, he’s the message and the mission. His presence and his Kingdom is central. We are first of all followers. Beings made to do not doers made to be. We as a local church are committed to building big people for Jesus not big programs for people. We value God’s presence, people and places. It’s his presence central, impacting people and transforming places. We can’t have one without the other. Jesus is where our local body was birthed and generations later the fire only burns hotter. Our story is both ancient and it’s brand new, it’s been told to millions but meant for one. It’s meant to be personal and it’s mean to be told in public. It’s for the worst, best, rich and poor. It’s for the young and old, the one who thinks they’re too far gone and the one whose close and the one wondering if he’s real. This news is past tense, present changing and future altering.