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Anthony Sommer

696K subscribers - no pronouns set

Meditation music, relaxing music, and sleep music channel.

Anthony Sommer
6 months ago - 26 likes

The third eye, often referred to as the pineal gland, represents the mystical and esoteric concept of a dormant inner eye that provides perception beyond ordinary sight. The third eye is embraced and studied by many cultures and spiritual traditions around the world. It is proposed that opening the third eye blends and ties together our other primary human senses for a unique sensory experience that is beyond the limitations of our ordinary sensory capabilities. The concept and tradition of opening the third eye has fascinated spiritual explorers for millennia. This journey of awakening the third eye is a timeless pilgrimage in the annals of human spirituality.

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- Write a comment if you enjoyed or disliked this video. Any criticism is welcomed and is much appreciated.

Supporting this channel helps me greatly. It helps these videos become more discoverable so more people can enjoy them too.

Anthony Sommer
7 months ago - 25 likes

Finally, a new video! Enjoy!

I tried releasing a different one recently, but there were some technical issues, so I had to delete it. It'll be published soon. I wanted to release the other one first because it has a different vibe that I wanted to use to balance out the content, but check this one out if you haven't already!

Anthony Sommer
7 months ago - 188 likes

Hi everyone, the problem with my recent upload persists. Many people weren't able to view the video, and for those who could, it was stuck at 360p quality. This is pretty frustrating, but I had to set the video as unlisted for now. Sorry for the inconvenience, but there's nothing I can do about it. I'll need to contact YouTube again to try to straighten this out.

Anthony Sommer
7 months ago - 130 likes

An update!

That new video is still stuck processing. So I uploaded another video, and that one is stuck processing too! I contacted YouTube, and they have escalated it to their internal team for review so they can fix it. Sorry for the inconvenience. Hopefully, it will be available soon.

Anthony Sommer
7 months ago - 152 likes

Hi everyone, I've been having some technical issues with my computer and some issues with the newest video processing on YouTube. It's stuck processing, and it'll be published when it's ready. Just wanted to let you know that we're just waiting for YouTube to finish at this point.

EDIT: It's been a few days since I've uploaded this video. I'm working on releasing a different video than I had originally planned, because it's simply taking too long to process.

Anthony Sommer
8 months ago - 233 likes

Hi everyone, I have an important question to ask you.

I've been looking at my analytics, and it appears that a majority people are watching about an hour or less of each video. I've always meditated to a singular audio track per meditation session (usually a couple hours at a time). Recently I've tried listening to a variety of new, shorter compositions back-to-back, and it feels really nice. I'll always continue to make long-form content, but I'm interested to hear from you. Would you also enjoy shorter meditation sessions? I was thinking 15 minutes, 30 minutes, and 1 hour versions of my content from the past and future works.

Anthony Sommer
8 months ago - 198 likes

I'm surprised how many of you are interested in the latest poll. I will definitely create black-screen videos with my music for you. They will be uploaded on my 2nd channel, so make sure you subscribe because they're coming very soon, and you don't want to miss them when they start being published.

Anthony Sommer
8 months ago - 155 likes

I plan to create black-screen videos for people who want to listen to my music while sleeping or meditating in the dark. Is this something you're interested in?

It will be available on my 2nd channel:

Anthony Sommer
8 months ago - 189 likes

Thank you to everyone who participated in the recent poll on the final chakra meditation duration. Your input is deeply appreciated, and it helps to shape the content I create.

After much consideration, I've decided to choose the 5-minute per chakra meditation as it was the most popular choice. I've weighed the pros and cons, and I believe this duration offers a balanced experience for the most people, especially those who want to participate but have tight schedules and limited time.

However, I've also heard those of you who commented and expressed interest in a longer version. I love that idea, so I've decided I'm going to create that as well.

Thank you! 🙏

Anthony Sommer
8 months ago - 108 likes

The final chakra video is delayed due to some technical complications. I'm still working on it, and I'll publish it when it meets the quality standards of the channel.

Until then, here's a playlist and links to the rest of the series:

- Root Chakra:
- Sacral Chakra:
- Solar Plexus Chakra:
- Heart Chakra:
- Throat Chakra:
- Third Eye Chakra:
- Crown Chakra:
- Chakra Playlist: