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Academic English Now

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We support PhD students and researchers in publishing resear

Academic English Now
1 month ago - 11 likes

If you're in a 'Mondays are tough' mode, I wanted to share a bit of motivation with you😊

As difficult as things may seem at a given moment, your success is just around the corner🥳

Like it was for Nadege:

What she needed was an external pair of expert eyes on her thesis.

She also needed confidence.

Now she's a proud PhD holder🎉

Your current challenges and goals might be different from Nadege's 🎭

Perhaps you're looking to publish papers in top journals😊

But you're struggling to tell a coherent story in precise scientific language💯

✳️ Or maybe you have little time to write.

✳️ Or you're stuck with the literature review.

And need expert guidance and regular feedback.

Whatever you're struggling with right now, don't quit🚴

Success might be just around the corner👌

Step 1: Do what Nadege did 🐾

Schedule a free 1:1 consultation with us:

We've got some spots left this week for motivated PhD students and researchers like yourself.

To your success🥂

Academic English Now
1 month ago - 1 likes

Do you find yourself in the never-ending cycle of reading the literature?🤔

Does it take forever to read papers?🤔

And extract the key insights you're looking for?🤭

This probably also means that you aren't writing much😗

Because in order to write something, you have to first get a good understanding of the literature.

And whenever you finish one paper, ten more relevant papers appear on the horizon🙂

Sounds about right?🙄

Well, in this video, I share with you a simple trick that will insanely speed up your reading😀

In less than a minute, you'll learn how to extract key insights from papers fast🥳

So you no longer get stuck reading and reading for weeks with no end in sight😊

This will allow you to also finally start writing ✍️your papers or thesis.

Sounds good?🤷‍♂️

Watch the short and learn a simple trick to insanely speed up your reading.

Need support writing papers for Q1 journals or an excellent PhD thesis?

We've worked with 460+ researchers and PhD students, so it's very likely we can help you, too.

Book a free 1-1 consult for a demo of our process:

To your success🥂

Academic English Now
1 month ago - 20 likes

Want to publish 3+ papers every year in top journals in your field?🤷‍♂️

Or write and submit your next paper to a Q1 Scopus-indexed journal in 6 weeks or less?🤔

Watch this free training👉:

Here are just some of the things you'll learn:

✅ my secret productivity hack that allowed me to do my PhD in 3 years with 3 papers (WITHOUT working weekends)

✅ how to EASILY find high-impact research topics that guarantee your papers will be published in top journals

✅ how to tell a coherent story in precise and concise language so you can submit your paper in 4-6 weeks (tried-and-tested with 460+ clients)

It's the first time I'm making this video available to the public👌

I only shared these strategies live ONCE in the last two years😆

But if you missed the opportunity to watch that training live earlier this month, here's the recording🤸‍♂️

Make sure you watch it until the end, because I also answer questions from the audience.

If you need help to publish in Scopus-indexed journals, let's talk.

Book a free 1:1 consultation:

To your success🥂

Academic English Now
1 month ago - 11 likes

Most PhD students and researchers are told they need to figure it out on their own🤫

Supervisors aren't known for giving specific guidelines or templates for writing a paper or a thesis🙊

So you end up trying to get your writing right through trial and error😓

Which of course, is very time-consuming and frustrating🤯

Not to mention that it leads to more negative feedback and rejected papers.

And a proven template or blueprint can be a real lifesaver:

Writing without a proven template to follow is like trying to cross a dense forest without a map or GPS.

A template gives you a proven route to get out of the forest fast.

It gives you the right model to base your writing on👌

It follows a proven structure, so your chances of positive feedback and reviews are much higher.

It also saves you a ton of time and effort💪

That's why we give all our clients templates and blueprints for each part of their thesis or paper.

Want lifesaving templates?

Schedule a free 1:1 consultation with us:

In case you're wondering, the templates work in 99% of the fields.

We've refined and adapted them with 460+ researchers and PhD students💯

To your success🥂

Academic English Now
1 month ago - 18 likes

Struggling with writing the introduction to your journal paper?

I've got good news for you🤸‍♂️

There's a proven structure you can follow👣

Regardless of the field you're in.

And regardless of what type of paper you're writing✍️

99% of all introductions to journal papers (aside from argument-driven papers in arts and humanities) follow this structure:

✳️ Importance of the topic and definition of key concepts:

This is usually the very first paragraph.

In a nutshell, you show why your topic is important and worth investigating.

The importance can be for your discipline or for society in general, depending what you're studying.

And then you define the key concept.

Either in that same paragraph or in the following one.

✳️ Brief literature review

While some papers might have a separate literature review section, all papers will have a brief review of the relevant literature in the introduction.

This can range from a paragraph to 2-3 paragraphs😊

What you need to do here is briefly review the key topics or themes from the literature.

In order to do it effectively, always keep the research gap and aim in mind.

The literature you review should lead to the gap, which then leads to the aim.

This is by the way how you tell a coherent story.

✳️ Research gap

This is the key to making your research novel and thus publishable in top journals.

It's the justification for your aim.

You need to show us where there is a lack of research.

✔️ Or where past research disagrees on an issue.

✔️ Or limitations of previous studies.

✔️ Or preferably a combination of the above.

✳️ Research aim

This is where you tell us what your study is about.

This can be done either as an aim, a question, or a hypothesis.

Follow this overall structure, and you will tell a coherent story in your paper.

Your chances of getting your paper into high-impact journals will also be much higher.

Not to mention that it will save you a ton of time being stuck with writing.

If you need additional support writing papers, let's talk.

Here's our calendar:

To your success🥂

Academic English Now
1 month ago - 2 likes

How long has it taken you to find the research gap?🤷‍♂️

If you're like a lot of researchers or PhD students, this process can take months🤨

Months of reading the literature🤯

Months of figuring out:

❇️ what hasn't been done yet

❇️ what limitations previous studies have

❇️ where previous research disagrees.

Synthesizing 🔄 that information from dozens of studies can be very difficult.

Fortunately, AI 🤖 can massively speed up this manual process.

In fact, I'm completely blown away by this new AI tool 🙀

Because it can help you find your research gap in one day🤩

Don't believe me?🤷‍♂️

Watch the video 👉:

Here are a couple of key insights you'll learn from the video:

✅ Four types of research gaps and how to find them quickly

✅ Using AI to 10x your reading

✅ How to get limitations of 20+ previous studies in less than a minute

✅ How to find a lack of research with AI in just a day

Key take-away: you'll have your research gap by the end of the day🥳

This process will work for any field.

And it's also totally ethical 👍

It won't lead to plagiarism👌

Watch this video to learn how to find the research gap with AI 🤖 in one day.

To your success🥂

Academic English Now
1 month ago - 15 likes

Do you know what most innovative and successful people have in common?🤔

They fail more than the average you and me🙈

Take Edison, for example.

According to the records he kept himself, he failed 2774 times before he invented the lightbulb 🤫

Another example: Koby Bryant missed more shots than any other player in NBA history🙊

However, he also won 5 championships and is considered one of the greatest basketball players of all time😊

What does this have to do with writing papers?🤔

Well, you will have to fail multiple times before you succeed🎭

And you need to see failure as a positive sign of learning.

If you're scared of failing, you will never succeed😶

You'll be just too afraid to push your limits, fail, and learn🧗‍♀️

See mistakes or failures as experiments in the lab🔬

If, as a scientist, you aren't failing, then you'll never discover anything👌

If, as a research writer, you aren't making mistakes with your writing, you're standing still.

So, what I would urge you to do this week is to fail at least once🙄

Try doing something that's beyond your current abilities💪

Try writing something difficult.


And then learn from it🤩

That's how you make progress and become great🎊

The crucial part here is getting feedback in time, so that you know how to correct your mistakes😊

Otherwise, you might continue failing in the foreseeable future.

If you want to accelerate the learning curve with our help:

Here's our calendar:

What can you expect from working with us?🤔

Here are some of our clients' results:

✅ Jean Paul Sebastian wrote 5 papers in 4 months.

✅ Cathy Wong has published two in Q1 journals in 2024.

✅ Madimetja finished her PhD with no corrections.

Want similar results?

The first step is to book a free, no-nonsense 1:1 call:

So we can see what your specific challenges and goals are.

And devise a personalized plan.

To your success🥂

Academic English Now
1 month ago - 7 likes

Would you like the exact process of writing 5 papers in 12 months?🤷‍♂️

Even if you're lecturing full-time🕔

Even if you struggle to tell a coherent story😓

Or to express your research ideas in a precise scientific manner🥵

And even if you have a family and want to maintain a good work-life balance🏌️‍♀️

This is exactly what Tran Tuyet did in the last 12 months: 5 papers as a full-time university lecturer and mum🎉

Here's the entire process so you can use it for yourself🕺

Here are a couple of insights Tran shares that might help you:

❇️ how to find high-impact research topics to ensure your papers can be submitted to Q1 journals

❇️ how to find time for writing papers while working full-time

❇️ how to maintain a healthy work-life balance with two children at home

So, if you're looking to write more papers as a researcher or a PhD student, this video is for you:

And if you want to emulate Tran's results, here's what I propose:

✅ Meet us 1:1 so we can identify your biggest challenge and goals.

✅ We devise an action plan for you.

✅ You get our proven tools and processes for writing papers or a thesis (tested with 460+ clients).

✅ We keep you accountable to your goals.

✅ You get feedback weekly on your writing, so you can improve your paper faster.

✅ We meet up to 3 times a week to answer all your questions and accelerate your progress.

Result: paper submitted in the next 42 days and a roadmap to 3+ papers in 2024🎉

What if it doesn't work?🤷‍♂️

As long as you put in the work, we guarantee it will work💯

And if, for whatever reason, it doesn't, we refund any investment 💰 you've made.

And we will work with you for free for the following 6 weeks😆

So, either way, you get the results you're looking for🥳

Sounds good?🤷‍♂️

Step 1:

Book a free 1:1 consultation:

To your success🥂

Academic English Now
1 month ago - 3 likes

So you've done your study and presented the results👏

But now you need to discuss your findings😶

And you feel stuck🤦‍♀️

✳️ Discuss findings how?

✳️ Is there a proven structure?

✳️ Which literature should I compare my findings to?

✳️ What if there isn't much literature?

✳️ How do I interpret and explain the findings?

Watch this YT short to find out🕺

In this short, I show you exactly how to structure your discussion section in a research paper😊

(yes, there is a proven structure you can copy and paste in any field)

This will help you to speed up your writing😶

And finally, get unstuck 🚀

So you can finish and submit your paper to a Scopus-indexed journal 👌

Watch the video and learn how to discuss your results in a research paper.

Are you determined to publish papers in high-impact journals?

If so, we're looking for 10 more PhD students or researchers who want to submit 3+ papers in 2024.

Book a free 1-1 consult to see if you're a good fit:

To your success🥂

Academic English Now
1 month ago - 14 likes

What is your work plan for tomorrow?🙂

What about next week?🤔

When I ask these questions to researchers or PhD students, I am usually surprised by two things:

✴️ how vague it is

✴️ usually, there is no writing planned.

However, if you want to be successful as a researcher or a PhD student, you need to plan your days, weeks, months, and years in detail 😶

Otherwise, writing will be postponed forever.

And submitting your thesis or papers will become a stressful race against time.

One of the best ways to plan and prioritize is to think about second and third order consequences.

Most of us, when making decisions, usually only consider first order consequences.

Like if I go to the gym 🏋️today, I'll get wet because it's raining. So let's stay at home🏡.

As a result, we tend to choose to do things that have pleasant first order consequences.

But the thing is that most actions that lead toward our goals have unpleasant first order consequences.

So, next time you're hesitating about planning your day and what to do, consider the second—and third-order consequences.

Like speaking to us 1:1

Here are some second and third order consequences:

✅ understanding the root cause of your problems

✅ clarity on your goals

✅ action plan to achieve your goals

To your success🥂