Vedanta, the knowledge of life and living detoxes your mind of its maladies and fosters your effort for peace and prosperity. Understand the mechanism of your mind and intellect - how they determine your choices in life. Steer clear of worldly challenges. Render body healthy; action dynamic; mind stress free; intellect sharp; relationships harmonious.
Vedanta declares that the state of uninterrupted Bliss is your real Self. Ignorant of your real Self, you endlessly chase the world for paltry pleasures. Vedanta redirects you from self hypnotic identification with your body, mind and intellect; elevates you to Self discovery. Vedanta abounds in techniques that are means in this journey.
Shri. Eswaran is disciple and protégé of Swami Parthasarathy. He has been researching and propagating Vedanta for over 25 years under Swamiji’s guidance. He found the Vedanta Institute Bangalore, a public charity and serves as Executive Trustee.