…just a casual lazy gacha CapCut animator.
Hello there! Names Fandoms XD,but others call me Fandoms. Nice to met ya! If you are new to this channel,here’s a few things about me:
I use CapCut,sometimes I use alight motion and kinemaster for editing (not much)
I have a roblox acc. |user: Unicornpop612|display: Fandoms XD|
I have a group on roblox,you can join it if you want!
My favorite colors are: black|white|blue|
And that’s all! I do have some friends that will be mentioned in video descriptions a lot. But for the most part,that is.
So if you are new,welcome to the channel my friend!! If you are a returning friend,welcome back!! Or if you found my channel a little while ago,hi again friend!! So now,bye,hope to see you in videos or future videos!!!
Just a kid making vids about my dog,roblox,gacha life,and etc for fun.
-my mom