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Frugal Wanderer

1.24K subscribers - no pronouns :c

Hi. My name is Sean and I recently decided to pack up and he

Frugal Wanderer
2 months ago - 27 likes

so while out recording a video this afternoon, I was shocked to find the first Monkeys that I've ever seen in the wild. I have heard stories that there were a few by the river, but I finally saw them today. The video is coming up on Monday to see what monkey business they got up to. Haha

Frugal Wanderer
2 months ago - 35 likes

Just wanted to give everyone a heads up that there will be no Livestream today. I am travelling today and I won't be able to stream. I should be available for the stream on Sat/Sunday as usual and update you on the latest.

Have a great day everyone.

Frugal Wanderer
3 months ago - 20 likes

The things I do to myself to make a video these days. It's 36C out and off for a bike ride. Don't I look excited? Haha

Frugal Wanderer
3 months ago - 15 likes

After a month of wandering the streets of Siem Reap on foot, I finally found myself a ride. Meet "Little Weirdo" my new bike. Yes. The tires are different sizes and yes it is a ton of fun to ride. I can't wait to start seeing more of this wonderful city.

Frugal Wanderer
3 months ago - 20 likes

So happy that I got the chance to meet up and hang out with Carl this afternoon. He sent me a message to meet up for coffee and after I went to the wrong Fame Cafe because I can't use maps properly, I was able to meet up and we talked for four hours. What a great afternoon and it was amazing to meet up with you Carl. Looking forward to doing this again soon.

Frugal Wanderer
5 months ago - 6 likes

Well. I've been back in Bangkok for a week and I've been fortunate enough to be able to eat this delicious food again.

I'm heading out to meet up with ‪@francandsarah‬ this week and spend some quality time hanging out and finding out what the beach life is like In Thailand. Can't wait.

Expect more updates. I have a few surprises scheduled for the next few weeks.


Frugal Wanderer
5 months ago - 8 likes

My last day in Siem Reap. I have had an absolute blast here and I can't wait to come back again soon. I may not have been able to see everything I wanted to, but that just means that I'll have something to look forward to when I get back here. I have recorded a bunch of videos while I was here so you can expect quite a bit of content over the next few weeks. I'll be looking forward to a nap and some AC. Haha.