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Ellen Brock

163K subscribers - no pronouns set

Need help with your novel? Have a question about writing gre

Ellen Brock
4 months ago - 16 likes

Please join us on Monday at 3pm EST if you can! The interview is prerecorded, but agent Lucinda Halpern will be answering questions in the chat!

Ellen Brock
1 year ago - 199 likes

If you have a moment, please help me out with a video. What are examples of feedback you've gotten from an editor, critique partner, or beta reader that you could not translate into actionable edits?

This could be vague emotional feedback ("I just didn't like the character," "I was bored," etc.) or technical criticisms ("The scenes are too slow," "The characters are underdeveloped," etc.).

In other words, what criticisms have you gotten that left you asking, "What does that actually mean about my story?" Thank you so much!

Ellen Brock
1 year ago - 319 likes

I can barely believe it, but I have covid again. This time with gastritis. I am really disappointed. I had everything ready to film this week.

Though we are fully vaccinated and wear masks, my husband works with the elderly as a social worker and picked it up from a nursing home.

So far it does not feel as bad as last time (other than the gastritis) so I am trying to keep up hope I'll bounce back fast this time! Thank you all so much for your support and understanding!

Ellen Brock
1 year ago - 258 likes

Hi guys! Several of you have messaged about getting messages from me about crypto currency. This is actually a different account impersonating me. I reported the comments and account to YouTube. Please feel free to do the same!

Also, many of you know that I have been sick with long covid. I am finally starting to get back on my feet and should have the next story structure video out in a week or two. It will probably still be longer between videos for a while as I continue to recover, but I'm excited to have something for you soon!

Hope you have all been well!


Ellen Brock
2 years ago - 295 likes

I'm in the planning stages of a couple new videos and would love some suggestions:

1. If I were to do a structural breakdown of a full novel, which novel would you want it to be?
2. If I were to do an advice series on multiple POVs, which novel would you like used as an example?

P.S. There will be a new video before the end of the month. This one is just taking a bit longer to put together because I have a lot of editing work to finish up.


Ellen Brock
2 years ago - 444 likes

Happy New Year! Happy Writing!

I will have a new video up this week on intuitive plotters!

If you want to help support the channel in 2022 and participate in monthly Q&A videos, check out my brand new Patreon:

The first reward Q&A video will go up late this month.

Thank you all so much for your support whether financial or through your lovely and kind comments. I'm so excited to share with you guys all the videos I have planned for the new year!

Ellen Brock
2 years ago - 673 likes

Thank you all so much for the coolest Christmas present ever! Your support means so much to me. I hope you all have a wonderful and relaxing end to the holiday season!

Ellen Brock
2 years ago - 148 likes

Happy Holidays everyone!

I'm not sure I will be able to get another video up before the new year, but in 2022, my goal is to post twice a month. My videos take a lot of time to create, so to make this viable, I will need to cut back on paid editing work. I've never liked the idea of sponsorships or of asking for your financial support, but I would love to be able to maintain this new schedule as well as to post more detailed longform content.

What would you prefer for the future of this channel? Thank you so much for your feedback, for watching my videos, and for your continued support! Happy Writing in the New Year!

Ellen Brock
2 years ago - 313 likes

Hi guys!

I've had a lot going on the last year (including problems with my filming equipment). I'm working on reviving the channel. Let me know what types of videos you want to see!


Ellen Brock
4 years ago - 410 likes

I've been much slower with getting videos out than I had hoped to be this year. I'm still dealing with kitchen repairs after the flood. Doing dishes in the bathtub, cooking in a crockpot, coordinating with the contractors/insurance, and trying to film around construction noises has slowed things down, but I have lots of videos I'm excited to film and share just as soon as I can!