Greetings and welcome to, "The Cosmic Mindset"! This channel is for the awakened who are known as, "Lightworkers, Star-seeds, 144,000 (frequency) Indigo/Rainbow children, Earth Volunteers, Galactic Family and Spiritualist". My mission while on planet Kai (Earth) is to help those who are awakened or going towards the "waking up" process within this new, "Age of Aquarius" which is known as, "The Age of Truth". I am a Shaman, Messenger of the Cosmos, Meditation Guide, Tarot Card Reader, Personal Trainer, Life Coach and "Old Soul" who is bringing the truth, knowledge and wisdom back to those who are ready to receive and elevate. Join me as I help you and the rest of our community return to nature and the way of the stars. I'm excited to bring the love, joy, bliss and good energy back to those who have lost their way. Are you ready?