Hi there! I'm Author, Teacher and Artist, Karen Campbell.
I've published over 2 dozen art books - www.amazon.com/author/karencampbellartist - and founded AwesomeArtSchool.com in 2016.
My passion is making drawing super EASY so that ANYONE (regardless of talent or experience) can join in the fun!
I didn't start my art career until AFTER graduate school AND becoming a mom to 3 kids so I can tell you honestly that it's not too late for you to jump in too!
Want to delve deeper into learning and fun?
I invite you to join my Fun Fab Drawing art club! This membership grants you instant and exclusive access to my warm and wonderful community of adult learners plus years' worth of over a hundred of my BEST in-depth drawing lessons, all for one low monthly price.
To learn more about all my free and paid offerings and to connect on socials visit awesomeartschool.com