in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
The following will be information on Yan老师’s wake. The wake will start from today until 25th October, 4pm. On 25 Oct, 4pm, will be the start of the funeral service. The bus will head out at 5pm. For those who are unable to attend in person but wish to express their love and support, you can send your condolence tokens via one of the numbers below. Please include your name and “to Yanyu” in the bank statements.
Jessica Lu 吕杰 9679 1608
Gildon Choo 朱伟康 9772 5772
Cai Qiao Fang 蔡巧芳 9871 5526
Thank you for your kindness and support during this time.
以下是燕老师的道别仪式信息:仪式今天开始,持续至10月25日下午4点。10月25日下午4点将举行出殡仪式,巴士将在下午5点出发。对于无法亲自前来的朋友,如果您想表达对燕雨的爱与支持,您可以通过以下号码之一发送您的慰问金。请在转账时注明您的姓名并在备注栏写上“to Yanyu”。
吕杰 Jessica Lu 9679 1608
朱伟康 Gildon Choo 9772 5772
蔡巧芳 Cai Qiao Fang 9871 5526
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Hello Friends, doing a marketing push here!
I would like to build my website and YouTube channel, and I need your help! All you need to do is share this message with your friends and foes.
Once I qualify for my first YouTube ads payment, I will match dollar-to-dollar and donate the full amount of $300 to Community Chest.
Would you give me a hand?
P.s. don't skip the YouTube ads. Many thanks!
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I currently teach in the Chinese Orchestras of River Valley High School, NUS High School, Hong Wen School, and Ngee Ann Polytechnic. Wind section instructor at The Purple Symphony - an inclusive orchestra comprising of musicians with and without disabilities.
Apart from teaching, I conduct "民樂幾時有 Hear You Later", a Chinese instrumental ensemble I founded in 2020 as a movement for like-minded music practitioners to congregate for the sole purpose of playing music we like.
My areas of interest include Music and audio technology, songwriting, orchestration and arrangement, and videography works.