Welcome to our channel! We’re a husband and wife team, and we’re taking on a big project: completely refitting our 1969 aluminum trawler, a classic Stephens Bros yacht, all by ourselves. Join us as we document every step of this DIY journey—from swapping out our Detroit Diesel engines for new Cummins, installing a custom fuel system, setting up lithium batteries and solar panels, to creating a wet exhaust system. Whether you're interested in hands-on boat work, learning about marine systems, or just want to follow along as we bring this beautiful boat back to life, you're in the right place!
#boatrefit #aluminumtrawlerrefit #DIYboatrestoration #Boatenginerepower #DetroitDieseltoCumminsswap #Marinedieselrepower #DIYyachtrefit #Trawleryachtrestoration #Boatrefitseries#Aluminumyachtupgrade