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150K subscribers - no pronouns set

The Robots Are Coming.

3 months ago - 597 likes

Hi gang!

My car just received the latest Tesla FSD v12.3 update.

Will be doing a ton of drives this week to put the software thru its paces.

3 months ago - 517 likes

I appreciate everyone's feedback in the comment section from the latest video 'Tesla's ChaptGPT Moment is Here'. Given the number of comments that are not quite happy with this style of video, I feel compelled to share my thoughts.

For those that have followed the channel closely, you've probably seen a ton of experimentation that happens on the channel. However, this video in particular has created a bit of a stir in the comment section due to the editing and production style. Some are also concerned that I may be using the AI model of my voice to make this video. This one in particular (and the last 2 as well) were all done by real me. Even with videos with the AI model of my voice, the pieces are fully written by me, and will be until an AI does a better job than me. Hopefully that day is far away, but with the current rate of progress, one can't be too sure.

These specific types of videos (with b-roll and densely packed commentary) tend to have the best performance on the channel (often times by quite a bit), which often end up bringing my content to a whole new audience. Still, I will do content where I will be on camera from time to time. Rest assured that I'm not going away, but there will be phases. I understand if some of you are not happy with this and will understand if you no longer want to follow the channel. It is something that I am doing, selfishly, because it's the best way for me to keep fresh and keep the juices flowing. If you decide to move on, no hard feelings. Thank you very much for following up to this point.

However, moving forward, there will be a healthy mix of all kinds of content on the channel. I will continue to experiment with the AI-model of my voice, although the core content (ie the writing) will always be written by me. As of late, I very much enjoy writing out analytical pieces on X, and converting them into video format for YouTube, which is what the content has been for the last couple weeks. If you follow me on X, you've probably already figured this out :) I've traditionally disliked scripting out videos for YouTube, but turns out converting analytical pieces from X works just as well. Not sure why I had it in my head that these two things are somehow different.

Lastly - I've always done videos for this channel because I love doing it, and I'm very flattered that many of you miss my face on the videos. I'll make it a point to show my face a little more often moving forward.

Thank you all very much, and hope y'all have a fantastic rest of your weekend <3

4 months ago - 105 likes

Hi gang - reposting today's video shortly. Looks like we had missing clips at the 6:20 mark upon re-rendering after some changes.

Apologies - hold tight!

5 months ago - 638 likes

100,000 Subscribers on YouTube!

Thank you all SO MUCH for your support.

A little over two years ago I left my job at Tesla in pursuit of my calling. That job gave me everything I wanted - experience, financial stability & independence, life-long friendships, learning how to solve for the impossible, and so much more.

It was one of the toughest decisions of my life. The risk was that I'd regret leaving a fantastic job and incredible people, and lose the sense of fulfillment I woke up with on a daily basis - regardless of how sleep deprived I was.

But I knew that the universe had gifted me an opportunity to pursue what I was meant to do - something I hadn't yet discovered, but knew was somewhere deep down inside. It gifted me the ability to travel with my beautiful wife
and experience things together that very few have the chance to experience. I couldn't say no.

Once I made the jump, at about 5 weeks in, I was losing my mind. I quickly found out that sitting still was very difficult, if not impossible, for me to do. You can ask my wife. My way to fill time was to drive her nuts. She told me that I needed to figure something out, otherwise she would have to kill me. I wouldn't blame her.

On a random day while on YouTube, I stumbled upon a video with @JoeJustice describing his stint at Tesla. I saw that people were finding it very valuable. I was like "oh that's awesome. Maybe I should do the same thing and share my experience." Then I thought about my NDA. I become very hesitant, but decided to do it anyway. "Ask for forgiveness, not for permission" was something I learned while at the company.

Worse comes to worse, I go to jail. Fun story to tell my kids some day.

And then, a little over two years later, through a combination of hard work and luck, we just crossed 100k subscribers on YouTube.

As I reflect on the journey, there are many things that come to mind. Biggest one of which is that I can't escape this feeling that I'm the luckiest person in the world. I'm surrounded by the most caring and loving friends and family anyone could ever ask for.

It also feels like I've stumbled upon what I think is my true calling - almost by accident. At the root of every job I've done, or position I've held, the thing I always found most enjoyable is thinking about new ideas and concepts, and communicating those to folks that find it interesting and valuable.

Turns out content creation, at its core, is exactly that. This journey has given me the ability to exercise my favorite muscle on a daily basis, and somehow people are still coming back for more.


A huge thank you to my lovely Producer Wife , to David Carbutt for helping take this thing to the next level (whatever the hell that means), to all my mods on YouTube, community members on YouTube and X, and every single person that watches and interacts with my content. This is your achievement as much as it is mine.

The biggest thing I've learned from this journey is that taking risks will always come with rewards. However, those rewards will not always be measured by how much money you've made, but rather what you learn about yourself. What you've learned about your craft, what you like to do, or don't like to do. What you've learned about you, your pain tolerance, your weaknesses, and your insecurities.

Personal growth, from my experience, has been the best way to lay a foundation for your future self. The thing is that you can't get there without discomfort, pain, and facing your insecurities. Luckily for me, it turns out that putting yourself out there for the world to see is a pretty good way to experience all these things.

Thank you all so much <3

7 months ago - 214 likes

Join my quest for 100,000 subscribers!

I'd appreciate your subscription, provided you frequently watch and enjoy my videos.

Thank you so much!

7 months ago - 225 likes

Knowing that many of you follow Elon Musk quite closely, there will be a new episode of the Joe Rogan Experience featuring Elon dropping today at 1PM Eastern Time. Joe's episodes are available exclusively on Spotify.

9 months ago - 193 likes

Hiya folks - HVAC system in the studio is down. Will take until Tuesday to get it checked out. Content might be limited until it’s resolved. Figured y’all don’t want to see a grown man sweating his face off while talking about EVs 😂

Thank you all for your continued support!

11 months ago - 105 likes

What can I do better?

11 months ago - 123 likes


Thursday's Matt Smith & James Douma conversation will be RECORDED instead of Livestreamed. Conversation will be available over the weekend.