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Medlife Crisis

561K subscribers - no pronouns set

Statistically insignificant superiority to a mildly amusing

Medlife Crisis
1 month ago - 277 likes

Second channel rants continue. This time: CHEMISTRY 🧪
Link pinned below

Medlife Crisis
1 month ago - 472 likes

Livestream tickets still available! Tune into the‪@TheRoyalInstitution‬ to hear ‪@standupmaths‬ ‪@SteveMould‬ and full time proper professional comedians who have proven material, and then there’s me too. I was meant to write my bit this weekend but it’s nice and sunny so I’m riding my bike. So buy a livestream ticket to see if I can channel the spirit of William Harvey, while standing in the Michael Faraday theatre, and successfully wing it. Or crash like a patient in cardiogenic shock. Link below!

Medlife Crisis
2 months ago - 569 likes

I shared the most incredible thing I’ve witnessed in my career, over on the second channel

Medlife Crisis
4 months ago - 883 likes

So many of you deeply strange people still, to this day, ask why I don’t make nightshift videos anymore. These were clearly popular you enjoy watching me sleep deprived and suffering, you sadists. But they brought the punters in in those halcyon early days and now you’re all bored of my bloated video essays filmed in coddled surroundings. So last night I attempted to recapture the magic, except I ran into a biological problem… (link in comments)

Medlife Crisis
4 months ago - 1.5K likes

THANK YOU for helping me do something that means a lot to me. I have had a really overwhelming response to the video last month on Assisted Dying. Some deeply personal comments and emails, with stories that have really moved me, people whose minds have been changed, and of course some people who were in disagreement. For that alone, I am grateful to be able to do what I do and make videos people watch.

But this is another huge bonus, because of your support I could donate my sponsorship fee (hence why I've blurred it out) to the Motor Neurone Disease Association, to support people with a diagnosis of this incurable disease, and to look for ways to fight it. It means the world to me and I am honestly so grateful. Making sh*tty jokes online leads to giving money to charity...sometimes social media ain't so bad.

Working on the next video as we speak! Let's just say...those who enjoyed my rap in the short boi video are not going to be not un-disappointed. MC MC in da houuuussspital

Medlife Crisis
5 months ago - 726 likes

A whole new form of life (seriously) was discovered and it kind of feels like…it’s not very well known? Don’t worry the second channel won’t distract me from the main channel in classic YouTuber fashion, but I am enjoying offloading various ideas that I wouldn’t make into full long ass videos. I know, the verticality pains me too but such is the modern video sharing format across platforms and I’ve made my peace with it. Thanks for 20k over there! Link below

Medlife Crisis
5 months ago - 1.2K likes

I’m resurrecting the second channel! I thought I’d embrace the modern style of zero production value (or in my case, zero effort, I’m truly attempting that can’t-even-be-bothered-to-get-out-of-bed-vibe) videomaking so I can share whatever interesting things I read in between the long videos.

I’ll do Shorts on the main channel and basically anything else on the second channel. Obviously my priority is still the main channel, where I’ll post videos regularly…when Jupiter is in the house of Saturn, Mercury is in retrograde, and the endoplasmic reticula align.

Last night I was reading about junk DNA and learnt that biologists have massive disagreements about HOW MUCH of our genome is truly useless. L1nk in comments below!

Medlife Crisis
5 months ago - 5.8K likes

Annoyingly YouTube has slapped a su*cide warning on my video so views have flatlined in the last 24 hours. I get why this exists but don’t feel this is the kind of video it’s required for. As it’s an important topic and a charity video, please could I ask you to share with someone you think might appreciate it, if you found it interesting or useful? It won’t be promoted to accounts, and any staff to appeal to are on their Christmas break! And if you haven’t seen it yet, please head to my channel to find it. And why not get yourself a nebula sub while you’re there to support a platform that doesn’t restrict its creators! 😆 Thank you!

Medlife Crisis
7 months ago - 403 likes

PODCAST ALERT! If you want to hear me witter on for a bit about how I approach making science videos, and my wider thoughts on sci comm in general (spoiler: they're not that complimentary!) then go have a listen to my irl friends' podcast, How to Make a Science Video. Those friends are ‪@SophsNotes‬ and ‪@SimonClark‬, brilliant science communicators themselves who have made a really thoughtful series actually discussing the wider impact of what we do. If you haven't already checked it out, I honestly think it's fantastic. I have loved listening to people like ‪@BobbyBroccoli‬ ‪@simonegiertz‬ ‪@acollierastro‬ ‪@TierZoo‬ and more. Link in the comments below.

Medlife Crisis
9 months ago - 280 likes

Earlier this year we offered lifetime subscriptions and they were a huge success. We are so grateful to all those who signed up. Annoyingly I was too busy to get involved last time! I release videos infrequently so have few chances to bring people in as Medlife Crisis subs, hence this post. Help me show the others that I'm not nobby no mates. Online at least.

If you are interested in supporting the creators like me on Nebula, here's why it's worth checking out.

As you might know, a bunch of us set Nebula up and are involved in its daily running. A lifetime sub is a one-off payment, forever. And it is a huge boost for us to finance more ambitious Originals like you see in this pic and make the whole platform better. I'm so proud of how successful it's been so far and genuinely excited by what we're making. This means we have never needed to, and hopefully will never, ask for VC money.

It is $300, valid until your death. So how much value you get out of that depends on you! Thanks for reading. Link below.