Unchecked... unchecking all the check boxes as boxes cannot contain us. We are beyond boxes. That's what the channel is about.
We bring videos related to Literature, primarily English, but doesn't limit to that. We also have videos on cultural studies, analysing popular trends, advertisements, songs, films, etc. I also share some poems that I write. Beings a master's student, I provide strategies and approaches regarding Entrance exams for major institutions in India. I love talking about books, films, socio-political scenes, basically anything and everything under the sun, which comes out as podcasts and book-talks. Had there been no lockdown, you would have also seen videos of the English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad, several vlogs, and such fun stuff.
I hope you connect with the channel, because, just like you, the channel too has no boundaries, it's limitless. You are limitless. Stay tuned for more and please subscribe to the channel, shower some love.