<Click for info>
Hello everyone, I am Gamert80!
I go by he/him/his pronouns, but I won't be offended if you refer to me otherwise. My favorite color is a dark emerald green. My favorite games include Geometry Dash, Roblox, Minecraft, and Everspace 2. I've only ever read a few chapter books fully, those being Fahrenheit 451 for school, and 16 of the 17 Wings of Fire books.
That's pretty much everything!
Sub goals:
250 subs: June 24, 2024
500 subs: January 6, 2025
750 subs: Already quickly approaching :0
1k subs: Maybe late 2025?
5k subs:
10k subs:
If I stream, it will start 2200-2359 CST. The days I could stream are Friday and Saturday.
(There will be exceptions ofc)
Pfp by @F3ath3rDraws_14
Taken by Feather <33