The Core Beliefs of the author of this channel are based upon the restoration of the true names as follows:
1. The true name of the Creator of the heavens and the earth is YAHUWAH.
2. The true name of the Son of Yahuwah is YAHUWSHUWAH.
3. The true name of the people called by the name of Yahuwah is YAHSHARAHAL.
4. Abaraham is of the seed of Sham and of the seed of Abar, therefore, his descendants are called Abary people.
5. The descendants of Abaraham were among those black people who were transported as slaves in the Trans-Atlantic slave trade from the African continent and dispersed into all the nations as punishment by the hands of Yahuwah for disobedience.
6. Yahuwah's plan of salvation includes the Gentiles. Abaraham was only the beginning of the salvation of Yahuwah.
7. Yahuwshuwah died for the sins of "repentant" mankind and bloodline alone will get no one into the Kingdom of Yahuwah.
8. The set-apart city called by the name of Yahuwah is Yahruwshalam.