A ministry to serve God alone. This is the media ministry of Jonathan Davis. Christ ALONE deserves all glory and praise.
Content includes:
Bible study
Life advice from the Bible.
Answering your questions.
Our aim is to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ wholeheartedly without compromise. He is King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Judge of Judges and the Prince of Peace. Jesus Christ is fully God and fully man and He came to die for all our sins, that we might receive forgiveness for them. He came also that we might know Him, and have an intimate relationship with the Godhead. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. TODAY is the day of salvation. Christ loves you. He wants to have a relationship with you. We are all guilty criminals and God Himself came, incarnate in human flesh to pay the fine for our crimes against His law (The 10 Commandments).
You MUST be born again (John 3:3)