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Deprogrammed with Keri Smith

19.5K subscribers - no pronouns set

Keri Smith spent over 20 years in the Social Justice ("Woke"

Deprogrammed with Keri Smith
2 days ago - 61 likes

Join us for a LIVE #Deprogrammed with Keri Smith on Monday, June 24th at 1pm CST. We're talking about a study, brought to light by Colin Wright of Reality's Last Stand, in the British Journal of Developmental Psychology. They are researching how to do "more powerful manipulation" on 5-10 year olds, "teaching children about transgender identities and reducing the belief in gender immutability." They are literally studying how to better BRAINWASH and "manipulate" (their word) children, making them question reality. We're talking about it and more at 1pm CST.

Deprogrammed with Keri Smith
5 days ago - 67 likes

Join us for the LIVE #KerfefeBreak on #Deprogrammed with Keri Smith on Friday, June 21st at 1pm CST. We're talking about the Biden Administration going after Texas doctors and nurses who blew the whistle on child transition surgeries. Plus, attacks on homeschooling, activists defacing Stonehenge, and the omission of "illegal immigrants" from news reports about the murder of a Houston, TX child.

Deprogrammed with Keri Smith
6 days ago - 65 likes

Join us for a LIVE #PoppedCulture on #Deprogrammed with Keri Smith and Mystery Chris on Wednesday, June 19th at 8pm CST. We're discussing the witchcraft themes and anti-family propaganda in the new Disney+ Star Wars Acolyte, plus comparing some of these themes to Christianity. We're also playing a game! Come hang out!

Deprogrammed with Keri Smith
1 week ago - 77 likes

So the Nick Fuentes / AFPAC losers took their merry band of white supremacists, anti-semites and pedo-enabling clowns to Detroit this weekend, where they got tossed out of TPUSA, lost their venue due to fraud, and got thrown out of a bar after assaulting a security guard (and getting Superman punched). Couldn't have happened to a better group of degenerates. Join us for a LIVE #Deprogrammed with Keri Smith on Monday, June 17th at 1pm CST, where we talk about private property rights, freedom of association and what makes Groypers just as disgusting and moronic as the Woke.

Deprogrammed with Keri Smith
1 week ago - 16 likes

Join us for a LIVE #Deprogrammed with Keri Smith on Friday, June 14th at 1pm CST. We're discussing the societal benefits of shame and stigma, when properly directed at abhorrent behavior. We'll be watching some clips from ‪@thechurchonthesquare1540‬ and reading some Roger Scruton, plus looking at some of the worst excesses of the new woke's religion's Government-pushed Pride month.

Deprogrammed with Keri Smith
2 weeks ago - 59 likes

Join us for an impromptu LIVE episode of Reading REDDIT on #Deprogrammed with Keri Smith and special guest ‪@mikeharlow‬! Tuesday, June 11th at 8:30pm CST. Reading REDDIT is a show where we measure just how far gone Western culture is by reading and responding to missives from the bowels of society - Reddit. Expect levity and laughter in the face of dark dark darkness.

Deprogrammed with Keri Smith
2 weeks ago - 158 likes

Hey Folks, there will be NO LIVE Deprogrammed today, as our balcony and porch are being completely demolished (so they can be rebuilt) and it's too loud to be able to do a stream. If you're around, I'll be doing a special live show with ‪@mikeharlow‬ tomorrow night and hope you'll join us! This is half of the lumber that was delivered for our balcony! So excited!

Deprogrammed with Keri Smith
2 weeks ago - 127 likes

Whaddup normals! Talking today about the excellent book, "The Queering of the American Child" by Logan Lancing and James Lindsay - which you should read. (Thank you to all who attended Deprogrammed Book Club last night btw!) We're in the Woke Religious month of June, declared Pride Month, holiest and most sacred of months, by all of our government, corporate and educational elite. We're taking a look at Queer Theory - the ideology behind this cultural rot and decay - and it's opposition to normalcy. Join us for a LIVE Deprogrammed at 1pm CST:

Deprogrammed with Keri Smith
2 weeks ago - 44 likes

Join us on Wednesday, June 5th at 8pm CST for a LIVE #PoppedCulture on #Deprogrammed with Keri Smith and Mystery Chris! We are talking about gangster films and how their popularity informed our conception of Italian American culture and identity. Goodfellas, The Godfather, Casino, all of the greats - we're talking about them!

Deprogrammed with Keri Smith
3 weeks ago - 60 likes

Join us at 1pm CST on Tuesday, June 4th in the LIVE CHAT for the #Deprogrammed premiere of Keri Smith's conversation with Adam, from the popular ‪@VetsTalkin‬ channel. We talk about the incursion of social justice (woke) ideology into the military, and the repercussions on the morale, unity and effectiveness of our armed forces.

Adam joined the Army straight out of high school in 2000. 9/11 happened his first year in. He went to Iraq with the invasion in 03, went again in 05. Was a ground surveillance systems operator with military intelligence, went in psychological operations after that. Got out in 09. Volunteered with multiple veterans support organizations, opened a security guard company in 2016, trained in executive protection (high level bodyguard), then opted not to follow that career path. After working with the Legion of Memers, he eventually started Vets Talkin, a place for military veterans to talk about politics and pop culture. Follow him at @VetsTalkin on X.