Asalamualekum waramatulahi wabarakatu
*All praises are due to Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala blessings salutation upon our beloved prophet Muhammad ﷺ S.A.W .
1. To encourage young females to put on hijab as Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala commands us to do.
2. To distribute free hijab to different society who are seriously willing to wear it and be constant with it.
3. To education and sensitize young females about the important of hijab to our Deen by doing conferences and seminars
4. To create way for individual , institution and organisation to collaborate and support the Foundation to achieve their goals
5. To encourage young females girls to act like Muslimah and know the role of Muslim women in Islam
6. Encouraging young females by knowing that hijab is not just a headscarf or to look fashionable but to do it as an act of worship to pleased Allah.