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Timeless Gamer

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A Gaming channel 'Passion Project' dedicated to Parents and

Timeless Gamer
2 months ago - 13 likes

Hi all, just a quick one from me -- managed to convince a friend to play BF2042 for the first time, I did my best to be a faithful tour guide and he's made an absolutely cracking video out of it. It really made me laugh and for his first time I have to say Frank did damn well! Hope you have a chance to check it out and cheer a fellow Gamer Dad on. Cheers!

Timeless Gamer
10 months ago - 7 likes

Hi Everyone -- I wanted to send my huge thanks to you all for helping the channel hit the 1,000 Subs milestone. I was bloody terrified when I posted my first vid that I'd be laughed off the stage, I really never expected to get to this degree of support and I cannot thank you all enough for it!

In a second milestone for the channel, I've done my first collaboration over the Summer! Please see the link below -- teamed up with MarzipanDan & Cabal2040 / Ginger Bryan to do some truly unique squad based gameplay. We massively enjoyed it, please do check it out & let us know your thoughts!

Thank you all again & hope to see you soon!

Timeless Gamer
11 months ago - 27 likes

Hi everyone, hope you're all good -- very quick message from me (I shall be brief!):

Summer 2023 has arrived for us and we're flying out tonight to be back with the family. This is our one shot a year to really be together with all the grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins in one place. Also my chance to catch up with some very old friends, really looking forward to it! Please do forgive me if the channel is a little quieter than usual over the coming month, it's a special time of year!

That said, I do plan to get online when I can & hope to catch some of you without the dreaded latency wall. I'll shout as soon as I know my schedule.

Thanks everyone and if I don't see you, have an excellent rest of July / August and see you when I'm back!

Timeless Gamer
1 year ago - 10 likes

Evening all you Battlefielders & Overwatchers (hopefully some of you play both!),

I just wanted to drop a quick 'Thank You' to you all -- it didn't escape my notice that this channel had two pretty huge milestones over the weekend, both crossing the 100 Subs threshold and having my first ever video to cross the 1k viewership!

Sincerely, thank you for your support & patience as I continue to find my feet with this passion project. I know not every video was a hit, but every single one does teach me a little bit more on how to get us to the promised land of consistent content everyone's enjoying -- myself included. It's great to show that people like me, the mortal non-pros who need to fit gaming in around everyday life can still have a good time & make real impact on the matches they're in.

I'll leave it there and close by saying if there's anything you think I can be doing better, any changes you'd like to see in the style of either videos or content in these (or other) games I'm not covering -- please do let me know. I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Thanks again!

Timeless Gamer
1 year ago - 1 likes

Hi everyone -- people have reported they weren't notified of the latest Overwatch 2 video landing, please see the link below.

Have a great weekend!