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The Sword and the Pen Reflections

7.48K subscribers - no pronouns set

Hi! On this channel, I casually talk about stories, give rec

The Sword and the Pen Reflections
3 weeks ago - 111 likes

I recorded a small video today, and it went about as I expected.

The Sword and the Pen Reflections
1 month ago - 331 likes

Things took a bad turn, but I'm in the ER, now, and we are working on it. Feeling a bit better with fluids getting in. Will update again when I have something to update about. But sadly... I'm too sick to film today. 🤪
Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers! We wouldn't be alive without you 🥰

The Sword and the Pen Reflections
1 month ago - 121 likes

So, the plan was to film a new video tomorrow WITH my screwed up voice (it's been out for almost 2 weeks, now), and have it up by Monday. And now I have been up all night vomiting EVERYTHING (even water).
For those keeping track, I have had about 12 healthy days since February 24th, and they were not consecutive. And these sick days have been quite literally debilitating. I have gone outside maybe 4 times in the last 3 months.

I'm starting to wonder if I should consider this to be a sign from God, or if I'm actually dying, (which I guess could be the same as the first option).

Seriously, if I was not self-employed, I would probably be fired by now. But speaking of money.... to my Patrons: at this point, I would not blame you if you abandoned ship. I don't know what's going on. I don't normally get sick for THIS long. I keep wanting to say, "yes! I think by tomorrow, I'll be well enough to get back on the wagon." But then nights like this happen. So, seriously. I'm not offended if you pull out. I feel guilty for accepting financial support while I'm not putting out videos as frequently as I promised.

Ugh... I'm so thirsty and achy. But I can't keep down water, let alone any kind of painkiller.
And why am I freezing one second, and boiling the next? What the hell?!

Stay healthy, out there, folks.
Eat right, get sun, drink water.

The Sword and the Pen Reflections
1 month ago - 7 likes

If you haven't seen this before. You're welcome. 🥰 maybe skip to the 1:23 mark to see why you need to watch this.

If you have seen this before.... You're welcome. 😘

The Sword and the Pen Reflections
3 months ago - 235 likes

For those wondering where I am... I'm in strep throat town. Yup. This is the second time I've been sick in three weeks. I caught it from my infant neice, who had it during the week that I was healthy. This is apparently par for the course when you take care of a baby that starts attending daycare.

I've got a video in the editing bay that should be done by early next week.

Happy St Patty's Day!

This picture is healthy me. I'm trying to manifest.

The Sword and the Pen Reflections
3 months ago - 226 likes

I have been trying to reshoot my review (have done so several times, now), but it kept coming out pretty bad as I've been getting sicker and sicker, and then it finally hit the point where I just have to admit I need rest. I have not disappeared. Just finally realized there's no point in trying to reshoot while I'm clearly struggling to sit upright. I'm still sucking on a frozen wood frog, but I'll get back on to shooting ASAP.
I enjoyed Avatar so much! It definitely needs to improve in some aspects of the writing, but every other aspect was so impressive. I can't wait to discuss it!

The Sword and the Pen Reflections
4 months ago - 35 likes

For those who can't wait as I reshoot what turned out to be 3 hours of deep analysis for Episode 1, here I am on a podcast chatting with my friends across the pond about Season1.....

The Sword and the Pen Reflections
4 months ago - 250 likes

I'm forcing myself to bed, now, and don't intend to wake up until Avatar is here.
See you all there!

The Sword and the Pen Reflections
4 months ago - 171 likes