曉群製品有限公司成立於2003年是香港第一間專門為不同機構團體生產環保袋購物袋的企業。客製產品包括不織布袋、棉帆布袋、紙袋、尼龍袋、保溫袋等。曉群製品擁有超過15年生產及出口環保袋豐富經驗 , 生產的袋全採用環保印刷顏料,主張環保物料及耐用做工。
We care your Brand! We care our Place!
Top Forest was established in 2003 as the first company in Hong Kong specializing in producing eco-friendly shopping bags. Our custom bags include non-woven bags, cotton tote bags, paper bags, nylon bags, cooler bags, etc. We aim to protect our planet and using eco-friendly materials.
Tel: (852) 2433 8306
Email: info@topforest.com
WhatsApp (852) 9717 9238
Official Website: www.topforest.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/topforest.ecobag/