A Gospel artist who started from a very humble beginning. He cherished an idea of lifting God's name through ministering songs of Praise and Worship. His albums one after another brought a different ellevated level. Songs like Ndo liladza maṱo, Ro vha vhona, My practical God and Heyi ndi Mishumo ya Tshilidzi are few of many songs that cross many people's minds when they think of Minister Lufuno Dagada. He has released an album titled "A si Muḽoro" recorded in December 2019. In April 2020 the album was accessible through online plantforms. It is difficult to choose one song as the best because the whole album is blazing fire. It is loaded with the following songs: A si Muḽoro, Against all odds, Kheli Gundo, Zwavho zwo luga, Give and it shall be given (Mapakulile), Mishumo ya Tshilidzi, Bula ipfi, Joko rangu rakanaka, Mbilaelo, Ndo ha ndi songo fanela, A thi di fhimi, Bonga, Ndakudinwa. In this channel Minister Lufuno Dagada will be posing his songs, concerts, interviews and appearences