For bihar board students, cbse board, ncert hindi and for ncert english, this ( The Core) channel is dedicated to provide good content related to this area for both in english and in hindi.
All subject like science - Biology, physics, chemistry, mathematics, English and social science - history, polity, economics and geography will be cover in hindi and in english languages
For example following subject will be continue like
Bihar board class 6 history
Cbse board class 6 history
Ncert class 6 history in hindi
Ncert class 6 history in english
Bihar board class 7 history
Cbse board class 7 history
Ncert class 7 history in hindi
Ncert class 7 history in english
Bihar board class 8 history
Cbse board class 8 history
Ncert class 8 history in hindi
Ncert class 8 history in english
Bihar board class 9 history
Cbse board class 9 history
Ncert class 9 history in hindi
Ncert class 9 history in english
Bihar board class 10 history
Cbse board class 10 history