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Spanish After Hours

340K subscribers - no pronouns set

Just a friendly Spaniard ☀️

Spanish After Hours
1 year ago - 736 likes

I didn't know what one of these words was in English!❗️Do YOU know them in SPANISH??

🔥 Meet the Challenge and test your Spanish here !!

Spanish After Hours
1 year ago - 144 likes

✨ Today was a great day and I'm feeling very happy right now, so I wanted to share this happiness and positive feelings with you! ✨ I hope that no matter where you are, and how you are feeling at the moment, you receive some of this happiness : ) 🌱 You are great, the best, go out and eat the world or just eat a cookie and have the best day you can have from now on-- 🌱

☀️ Your comments on the latest video were part of the reason I am feeling so happy right now! 🧡🧡 Sometimes I'm reluctant to read them all, because as soon as there is something negative, I get really affected, (I'm a bit sensitive hahah) and there is none to filter them out for me!! So when I started reading your comments on this one, it was very heart warming! 🌻

I'm so thankful for all of you, and I feel and hear your gratefulness!! You really are the best and I love you all so I hope you are feeling really loved right now 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡

(my latest video with your comments ☀️) sorry, no Spanish in this post hahahah ~

Spanish After Hours
1 year ago - 100 likes

❗️If you are watching my videos and you hear me mention ColaCao, let me know in a comment because I want to make a compilation of all of the times I have mentioned them in my videos lol.

Like in this one! ⬇️⬇️

Spanish After Hours
1 year ago - 74 likes

Did you see last week's video?? ✨ Well I prepared a little QUIZ for you to practice your Spanish comprehension by answering a couple questions! You will have to watch the video and some questions will pop up along the way!

Go ahead and try it and let me know how it goes!! 🌱…

Spanish After Hours
1 year ago - 283 likes

QnA Video!
I was recently reminded of how I said I would do a 100k subscribers celebration 🥂 by doing another QnA video! (Questions and Answers). I didn't ask because honestly there is not much interesting about me or my life right now, hahaha, but ask away! Hopefully you have some good questions out there!

Leave your questions in the comments down below, here! ⬇️

P.d: I'll have to reject in advance all of the marriage proposals, so don't bother proposing lol

Spanish After Hours
2 years ago - 463 likes

ANNOUNCEMENT!!❗️ [English to follow!] 🧡💛

[🌱ES] Que fuerte, a lo mejor os habéis dado cuenta (o no) de que estoy a punto de llegar a un gran número! Los 100.000 subscriptores, y es que aunque intento no fijarme mucho en eso, 100.000 es un gran número y hay que celebrarlo, 🎉 así que como ocasión especial que es voy a subir un vídeo igual de especial.

(Especialmente avergonzante eso es).

Se trata del primer video que grabé cuando empecé a planear este canal, es un vídeo mío practicando y es bastante avergonzante y aburrido la manera en la que le hablo a la cámara, (CRINGE 💯) lol, pero uno de vosotros me pedisteis verlo (hola edward jajaja), y pues aquí estamos, a punto de publicar un vídeo que nunca debió salir a luz.


[✨EN] So unbelievable, maybe you have realized (or maybe not) that I am about to reach a great number! 100,000 subscribers, and the thing is, even though I try not to look too much at those things, 100.000 is a great number and we have to celebrate it, 🎉 so as a special occasion I am going to upload a video that it's just as special.

(Specially embarrassing that is).

I'm talking about the first video I filmed when I started planning this channel, a video of me practicing, and it's pretty embarrassing and boring the way I speak to the camera, (CRINGE 💯) lol, but one of you asked me for it (hello edward hahah), and so here we are, about to publish a video that should have never seen light.


Spanish After Hours
2 years ago - 183 likes

To make it clear with a vote, what do you put first:

Spanish After Hours
2 years ago - 93 likes

This is the last video I posted! For some reason the subtitles where SUPER messed up, (specially English subs, I don't know why) thanks for pointing it out! I fixed them, so now they should be good.

If you haven't watched it yet, here it is! And if you did but didn't get anything because of the subtitles, here you go as well!

Spanish After Hours
2 years ago - 112 likes

Help me make a decision!

Did you see this video last week?

It was a short audio message in Spanish and many of you seemed yo enjoy it, if you didn't watch it yet go check it out, but if you did,

If I were to do another video like this one, would you like me to include the Spanish transcription (text) of what I am saying in the video? Or you prefer to just listen, like in this one, and just check out the YouTube built in subtitles?

Tell me what you think! ¿Qué preferís?

Spanish After Hours
2 years ago - 186 likes

Hey! Bonjour! 안녕하세요! ¡Hola!

I finally created a Patreon!

I'd love it if you went to check it out and joined the community! I will be posting some extra content there and have created a Discord server for more fun! (Join in for some Spanish game nights!)

If you do end up joining I'd be more than grateful for your support, since it helps me to keep creating these fun and educational videos as well as fund the materials needed to create them. 

Of course, kind feedback is always welcome! Share your thoughts with me!

Thank you so much for supporting this channel! :)