3 Brothers review Hot Sauce, Supermarket Selections, Restaurants, and anything else they can get in their stomach. And they do it from all over the country!
How do KrevatAttack reviews and ratings work for food?
10 - Put this on your bucket list and make plans now!
9.x - Consider this place when deciding where to travel!
8.x - If you are within an hour, you should go out of your way!
7.x - No need for a special trip, but if you find yourself within 20 minutes, it is worth your time.
6.x - Solid. If your friends are going, go along.
5.x - I guess, if it's a work dinner then you're stuck with it.
4.x - No, just no.
3.x - Why do you hate yourself?
2.x - Call the health department!
1.x - Why are we reviewing prison food?