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None subscribers - no pronouns set

hi! im blue/bluekaiser/haif/bluue/hazard/cup/any combination

6 days ago - 8 likes

im so sad i dont have comm tab on the new channel yet :( where am i gonna post my spray paints

i love banhammer even though hes like 46 whole years old

1 week ago - 1 likes

erm uhhh new channel i guess

1 week ago - 5 likes

man i really want to just,, up and move channels.

i dont feel like i can post what i want because my mom watches all my videos and goes through all my ccomments, my only safe place (as far as i know) is community tab :( so basically the channel that i made to be my safe space is not safe for me, or anyone else's personalish stuff

but its not like i can make a video telling all my non community tab people that im moving, because my mom will see it and make me show her the new channel, and the cycle continues

i guess, when i do make one i guess ill just put up a community post here sayin sm like "if u want to see the new channel comment here or something and ill @ you" so uh be on the look out maybe

2 weeks ago - 9 likes

my entry for β€ͺ@Minty_melon‬ 's bday fanart contest !!
remind me to never draw another helmet on something with ears again (guhshd its been soo long since ive rendered scales or fur so guys i was lowkey stRUGGLING but somehow i got it done in like 4 hrs ish)

hi minty, happy bday! i just wanted to say that your content always makes me smile. i love tac gear and fursuiting so your outfits are just (chefs kiss /nr) hope u get to 100k soon, definitely won't take long :)

2 weeks ago - 3 likes

i caved... i got capcut πŸ˜”πŸ˜”im sorry i cant be the super cool guy who doesnt use an editing program

also youtube denied my appeal

2 weeks ago - 5 likes

lmfao my lambada video got removed for "hate speech" mf its been posted for 2 years?? btw the "hate speech" was "thank you for watching" in dying laughing rn

chat should i appeal to get my 4.5k channel views back

2 weeks ago - 8 likes


3 weeks ago - 10 likes


3 weeks ago - 2 likes

hi chat im back from the dead

anyways moxie (blue fella) is my new sona, couldn't put that in the description because my mom reads those and i dont want her to get some clues on things (cough) (COUGH)

4 weeks ago - 2 likes

happy mens mental health month !! /lh

im working on a little filler to celebrate :)