We are a church made up of people from all kinds of different backgrounds, races, nations and ages who have discovered and accepted the transforming grace and kindness of Jesus Christ.
His love and leadership is the reason and foundation of our church life together. Whether you’re a visitor or a member, we’d love you to connect with what we are doing as a local church and discover a rich variety of ways that you can join in with all that God is doing amongst us. We trust that content on this website will stir you to ask God for ways in which you can make a difference for him wherever you live.
Jubilee is a Christian church centred on the Bible and working out our faith in the context of community. We meet together on Sundays and in small mid-week meetings in homes around the city. Our desire is to strengthen both individuals and Cape Town as a whole and to build reconciliation, especially where we have, in the past, been divided.