Our company scientific hydroponics is basically working in Hydroponic Fodder System since 2011 in INDIA. Mr. ASHWIN SAWANT, who is heading this company has been awarded âKRISHI RATNA PURASKARâ OF MAHARASHTRA (INDIA) for his serious work in âHYDROPONIC FODDER SYSTEMâ and â ANIMAL HUSBANDARYâ in 2015 by SHREE NITIN GADKARI {CABINET MINISTER} . Mr Ashwin Sawant has been passionately training people in hydroponic system since 2014.Thousands of people have used this knowledge to run their hydroponic units successfully. His continuous research work in this field since from 2010 has yielded good results in terms of improving quality fodder at affordable prices. He is on a mission to overcome the challenges people are facing while growing this fodder in different parts of the world. Our companyâs main motive is to bring Awareness in Animal Husbandry field regarding the importance of nutritious green fodder required by their Cattleâs, Goats, Sheepâs, Pigs, Rabbits, Turkeys etc.