Welcome to New Life Pentecostal Ministries join us for teachings from our Pastor and Founder Bishop Karel Gray.
Our mission is to provide spiritual wholeness, deliverance and peace, by the power of the Holy Spirit. Challenges will be turned into victories, roadblocks into bridges, hinderances into gateways, changing negatives into positives so we can enjoy our rightful place in the kingdom of God and victoriously fulfill our assigned destiny as God’s children. We believe that small things done with great love will change the hearts of people and the world. Here you will receive the unadulterated word of God, no limitations and freedom to praise God ! New Beginnings, New Prayers, New Praise, New Blessings, New Life!!
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Located at:
8 Pine Street, Englishtown NJ 07726
Sundays: 10:00AM (Sunday Service)
Tuesdays: 6:00PM (Prayer/Bible Study)
God Bless 🕊️