每天都会在这里及时地分享正在发生的被报道与不被报道的新闻。让我们观察, 记录, 为成就与惊喜喝彩,为不平与不幸发声。我们一定不要遗忘过去, 遗忘就意味着要重复历史。请您点赞、订阅并开启小铃铛 谢谢!
A personal documentation of the news of the world. You are welcome to use the footages or welcome to contact to display your local news here.
Please like, subscribe, and turn on the little bell. Thank you! Every day, we will share the reported and unreported news that is happening here in a timely manner. Let us observe, record, applaud achievements and surprises, and speak out for injustice and misfortune.
A personal documentation of the news of the world. You are welcome to use the footages or welcome to contact to display your local news here.
Por favor, suscríbase, las noticias se cargarán aquí todos los días. Observemos y documentemos.
La pluma es mas poderosa que la espada