Welcome Retro Gamer's to my YouTube channel!
I will be uploading the following videos on my channel: Reviews, Gameplay, Livestreams, Playing retro video games, Top10 & Cheats
These are the gaming consoles that i use, which are: Gameboy, Gameboy Advance, Nes, Snes, Gamecube, PS1, PS2, PS3, Dreamcast, Sega megadrive, Sega master system & many more aside!
Will be uploading 1-3 videos every tuesday & i live steam videos every: Wednesday & Friday at 19:00pm, sometimes i will take weeks off to make more better content or have other life commitments.
Sign up to be notify in advance, by hitting the bell icon on my YouTube page!
You can follow me on social media sites including
facebook - www.facebook.com/aron.glasser
twitter- twitter.com/AronGlasser
instagram - www.instagram.com/aronglasser/
tumblr - aronglasser-blog.tumblr.com/
Remember, Retro Forever!
Click on this channel & subscribe, YEAH!