Kadhai Surabi is the outcome of my desire to fulfill the wishes of:
• For the 2K kids who miss the lovely tamil stories of 90s kids which impart fun and moral & guide them positively.
• It is also to serve the elders who are interested in reading tamil stories, but unfortunately find it difficult due to age factor.
• For those who are held up with their routine work and unable to find separate time to read and relax, this serves as an audio book by which they can listen during their travel time or while doing other routine activities.
• Last but not the least, to entertain the special visually challenged friends who love listening to tamil stories.
I request to extend your support in the journey of Kadhai Surabi and share your views.
இந்த தளத்தில் கதை, கவிதை, காவியம், நாவல், புதினம், சிறுகதைகளையும் நீங்கள் ஒலிவடிவில் கேட்கலாம். சமூக கதைகள், நீதிக்கதைகள், ஆன்மீக கதைகள் என்று பலவகையான கதைகளை கேட்டு மகிழுங்கள்.
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