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Welcoem to posts!!

in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c

Posted 3 weeks ago

今年音響展我哋又係做直播,但今年出咗意外,影片窒窒吓。不過雖然係咁,亦有好多評論話好窒又唔係 4K 睇得唔過癮,但收視仍然係算幾好,所以令我有點困惑,究竟大家會係想盡快睇直播,定係等遲啲先睇精華版,如果係精華版,會想係點嘅形式呢?請大家投下神聖一票,對小弟會有一定的幫助(國仁)

128 - 26

Posted 3 months ago


69 - 0

Posted 3 months ago

今年是小弟第三次採訪德國慕尼黑音響展(HIGH END MUNICH 2024),由第一次 2019 年分 4 條影片,每條 20 分鐘(合共 1 小時 20 分鐘),到去年 2023 年分上、下兩集,時間縮短至合共 1 小時 10 分鐘,再到今年一條 1 小時影片全部完成,每次都減短總時數及篇幅,目的是尋找最適合 YouTube 演算法胃口的生存方式,包括如何起標題,縮圖放什麼等等⋯特別是今天 YouTube 的收視已不能和五、六年前相提並論,再加上社交平台的即時性,展覽舉辦的當日,展會資訊已經在全世界流通,數天後的影片還有什麼新鮮感給大家呢?


一個人採訪,辛苦嗎?當然辛苦,但每一位在現場採訪的傳媒同業也一樣的辛苦,最重要是我們辛勤採訪回來的圖片、文字、影像,都有大家觀眾支持收看、閱讀,甚至能留言鼓勵一下,可能大家不知道,讀者和觀眾的留言,對媒體工作者及內容創作者,是有著說不出的支撐作用。 作為商業營運小公司,採訪的開銷也當然要想想辦法,感謝(以英文字母序)雅詠音響、威達公司、P&O Hi-Fi、Sound Concepts Ltd、方浪音響,以及去年的 Cambridge Audio,贊助我們進行這些年的採訪工作。

有不少同業會拍攝數個小時長的展會現場影片,例如 my-hiend 小葉的影片今年是 5 小時多,近乎展覽全場每個演示房都拍攝了,看畢就像親身看一樣的巨細無遺,大家不容錯過。我也在想,影片越來越短也不是健康現像,長的又已經有人在拍,那明年的 High End Munich 應該有什麼的改變,才能為觀眾帶來耳目一新的感覺呢?你能給我一點意見嗎?(國仁)

This year marks my third time covering the High End Munich 2024. Starting with my first visit in 2019, where I produced four 20-minute videos (a total of 1 hour and 20 minutes), last year, 2023, I shortened it to two episodes totaling 1 hour and 10 minutes. This year, I completed the entire coverage in a single 1-hour video. Each time, I've reduced the overall duration and length to find the most suitable way to survive according to YouTube's algorithm, including considerations on how to title the videos and what thumbnails to use. Especially now, viewership on YouTube cannot compare to five or six years ago, and with the immediacy of social media, exhibition information is already circulating globally on the day of the event. So, what freshness can a video offer a few days later?

This has always troubled me, so this year, I decided to do a live broadcast on the first morning of the exhibition. Unfortunately, due to poor signal, the video experienced several delays, unlike in Hong Kong where I can livestream for an hour smoothly. Moreover, because the video contained copyrighted music, its reach was immediately significantly reduced, which frustrated me for the entire day.

Is it hard to cover an event alone? Of course, it is, but every media colleague covering the event on-site is equally hard-working. The most important thing is that the pictures, texts, and videos we diligently produce are supported and watched by our audience, who also leave comments and encouragement. Perhaps many don't know, but the comments from readers and viewers provide an indescribable support for media workers and content creators.

As a small commercial operation, has to think about covering expenses for the coverage. I would like to thank, in alphabetical order, Aria Audio Limited , Radar Audio Company , P&O Hi-Fi , Sound Concepts Ltd , Square Wave , and last year’s Cambridge Audio for sponsoring our coverage over the years.

Many industry peers produce hours-long exhibition videos. For example, my-hiend's video by Leo Yeh this year is over 5 hours long, capturing almost every demonstration room in the exhibition, giving viewers a comprehensive experience as if they were there themselves. It’s a must-watch. I'm also thinking that increasingly shorter videos might not be a healthy trend, and with longer videos already being made by others, what changes should I make for next year’s High End Munich to bring a fresh experience to the audience? Can you give me some suggestions? (Ken Wong)

153 - 15

Posted 9 months ago


[Live] 生日直播|邊試機邊傾音響(2023年11月第二直播)

134 - 8

Posted 9 months ago

Cambridge Audio 冬日優惠已經開始,優惠產品橫跨上中下路,由入門到旗艦一樣有選擇。乘著今次優惠推廣,我們與決定於下周六(2/12)假 Cambridge Audio British Sound Experience Centre 舉行兩場體驗活動,除可親身體驗如大熱產品 DacMagic 200M、Evo 系列之外,旗艦 Edge 系列的單聲道後級 Edge M 更會坐鎮 300 呎專屬試音室,成為當日主角讓大家感受何為「大英之聲」。

過去數年 British Sound Experience Centre 都鮮有對外開放,期待在今次體驗日和大家見面,一同與音樂渡過一個快樂下午。


@Cambridge Audio #Edge #Evo #DacMagic200M #Roon

61 - 0

Posted 9 months ago

日本光城精工 KOJO Technology 旗下產品近年在音響界可謂炙手可熱,其中 Crystal E 系列地盒及地插更是大受歡迎,而早前她們的新作 Crystal E-G 旗艦金地盒,號稱接地表面面積為原版 Crystal E 的 68 倍,但究竟實際效果又是否如此明顯呢?

下星期二我們將會聯同 Soudnwave Audio Limited 舉行一場「Crystal E 金銀地盒聽『證』會」,和大家一同感受原版 Crystal E 與新作 Crystal E-G 對音響系統帶來的影響,與及分享整個 Crystal 系列產品的可玩性,現場更會有神秘新作現身,兼且會作全球首度樣品示範,活動參加名額有限,對「KOJO 地盒」產品有興趣的朋友記得報名參加啦!


69 - 2

Posted 9 months ago

相信您應該聽過英國KEF同日本Accuphase呢兩個品牌,但您又有無聽過呢兩個品牌夾出嚟係咩聲呢?如果仲要出動到全餐High End型號,有小弟feverSound.com國仁揀選靚聲又好聽嘅音樂,有專人介紹產品背後技術,再仲要機會獲贈精美禮品,又係咪幾吸引呢?如果下星期六(11月25日)下午有時間,唔好錯過呢個響中環KMG舉辦嘅工作坊,費用全免,詳情睇圖就清楚,參加名額有限,即刻就填寫下面嘅 Google Form,成功申請朋友會有專人打俾您確認👍🏻 (國仁)

65 - 0

Posted 11 months ago


174 - 5

Posted 1 year ago

#不是長借 #denon #天龍迷

223 - 12

Posted 1 year ago

本週六親身感受 P&O Hi Fi Cinema 終極影院大晒冷!

報名傳送門👉🏻 (活動已爆滿,謝謝支持)

日期:2023 年 8 月 19 日 (星期六)
時間:2:00 PM - 3:15 PM(第一場)、 3:45 PM - 5:00 PM(第二場)
地點: 「P&O Hi-Fi Cinema」 - 香港新界荃灣海盛路3號, TML 廣場, 17樓 D2室
每場名額: 14人(活動如超出名額預定,將以隨機方式決定參加者)

主辦:P&O Hi-Fi

#feversound P&O Hi-Fi

78 - 2