Well, hello there! I'm Jonathan R. Holeton, or as some might know me, 4rjohny5. I've stumbled my way through a few ventures and productions over the years such as my delivery business DriveBuy delivery and my video production an marketing business MindWave Studios Ltd, and I appeared in a History channel documentary about the Kinmel Park Riots and I also got one of my first speaking roles on TV as a DJ/Limo Driver on the APTN show Mixed Blessings. Yeah, I know, not exactly a well known person, but hey, it's a little something to make you smile.
Let's talk about acting. It's been a rollercoaster ride. Trying to remember lines after indulging in pounds of cannabis for over a decade? It's like asking a surgeon to perform with a shaky hand after downing gallons of coffee. But hey, I love entertaining.
Now, IMDb. Let's just say I'm no Tom Hanks. But hey, I've snagged some credits here and there. Like "Guy at the Bar" or "Background Extra #3."